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Brought to you by Freedom and Muscles.
What is an “Amagon” exactly? If your guess is a bunch of letters strung together, you’re close!
SNK’s rare entry into the shooter genre soars right into the Mediocre Zone near Planet Bore Dom.
Featuring Chicago’s beloved Zephyrs.
Another Tengen-published port of a Sega arcade game rears its curious head.
Like the film itself, Alien 3 has no real reason to exist.
One of the NES’ final games, Alfred Chicken is a surreal fever dream.
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No amount of “the good ol’ days” makes Airwolf fun to play.
A unique blend of shoot-em-up and platforming bogged down by poor execution.
Tengen’s NES port of Sega’s After Burner is both ambitious and confounding.