Second Quest

What’s Next

So many games.

As many of you now know, the Quest to Review Every NES Game is complete. 754 games. 3 ½years. Thousands of man-hours. Indescribable life changes. I am (almost) bereft of words.

Yes, there is another quest looming on the horizon. I’ve received several guesses: SNES, Game Boy, the Famicom, even the PS2. Close, but you’re waayyy off. I’ll be making an announcement within the next month or so. Please look forward to it.

In the meantime, I will still be updating the site. I’ve received a few review requests for games like Gimmick!, Sweet Home, International Cricket, etc. so I will be tackling those. I don’t want to linger in the Famicom/European NES libraries for too long, though, nor do I want to review any hacked games. If you have a request at this point, I will consider it, but I doubt I’ll take any more after the Second Quest has been announced.

I will also be making Top/Bottom Lists for the entire NES library. Lists are arbitrary and they produce needless arguments, but that’s part of their everlasting charm. I haven’t decided on the numbering yet. Top 75? Bottom 200? I dunno. These lists will involve quite a bit of replaying, so the numbering will depend on my strength.

Will there be a book? Yes! At this point, though, I’m not sure what form it will take. I’ve heard lots of cries from the sidelines to self-publish. I might have to end up doing that, but call me crazy, I would love to get this thing published through a publishing house; whether through a larger house or an independent one, it matters not. I see a real market for video game books that has yet to be tapped. Smaller publishing houses like Pix’n Love and Boss Fight Books are springing up here and there, but outside of Hyrule Historia (published by Dark Horse, compiled/written by Nintendo), no game book that I’m aware of has made a huge splash on the book sales charts. But anywho. When I come to a decision, you’ll all be the first to know.

Lastly, while you were all feverishly biting your nails in anticipation for the next review, I went back and re-wrote some. Namely, the Power Pad and R.O.B. Titles. They are linked below for your (re-)reading pleasure.

Athletic World

Dance Aerobics


Short Order/Eggs-plode!

Stack Up

Street Cop

Super Team Games

Thanks again for the support. A winner is all of you.

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31 replies on “What’s Next”

Great work buddy. I&#039m glad I stumbled upon this a few months ago and you&#039ve been a huge inspiration. Can&#039t wait to finish all 754 of these bad boys

Can&#039t wait! I&#039m confident (just like its predecessor) that it will be of epic proportions! You say we are way off on our guesses, so I guess I&#039ll be on the edge of my seat until then. (Cough, Atari 2600, cough)

I&#039ve been following since January 2012 and I&#039m glad I got to stick around until the end.


From a fellow retro gaming enthusiast, thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. I discovered a lot of hidden NES gems through this site, so my collection thanks you as well.

I&#039ve loved every review! I&#039ve been with you since the beginning and it is humbling and awe inducing to see such a monumental task finally finished! Bravo, good sir! I&#039m looking forward to the next step!

Amazing work Dylan, I&#039ve followed you for the better part of a year and a half… been great, thanks. Just wondering when you say a book… any legal issues with that? I&#039m guessing 3rd party, no problem… but the official licensed NES games?

Thanks everyone!

@Mike: I think it should be fine. The only ones I might have a problem with are Nintendo&#039s. We shall see.

Okay… I&#039ve got a handful of requests for foreign games or unreleased games you may or may not want to check out.

California Raisins
Drac&#039s Night Out
Bio Force Ape
Star Trek V

I&#039ve only heard of Bio Force Ape, Star Trek V, and California Raisins.

Drac&#039s Night Out sounds…. curious.

Some of my recommendations-

Recca (best NES shmup hands down)
Joy Mech Fight (megaman-esque tournament fighter)
Earthbound Zero
Final Fantasy 2 & 3
Sweet Home
Star Wars (Namco)
Samurai Pizza Cats (good cartoony platformer)
DPad Hero 1 & 2 (fun, but really hard)
Battle Kid 1 & 2 (ditto)

There&#039s others of course, but those would top my &#039must haves&#039.

Ooooh, and you can&#039t forget Hebereke/Ufouria. Not many great Metroidvanias on the NES, but that&#039s one of them.

Wonderful job Dylan!! Hell of a thing you accomplished here. Thanks for sticking it through to the end. Every review was an enjoyable read.

Good job man.

I&#039d like to say I am a retro game enthusiast, but truth be told I just happen to live through the whole NES affair and simply never got out of vids. (They are still not retro to me yet :P)

Your reviews brought me back to weekends without Internet or cell-phone. Brought me back to waiting outside my mom and pop video rental store for an hour before it opened with my $3.44 grubby little hands. Anxiously waiting to rent another wonderful NES game for the weekend. (Be it good or bad… I did rent Taboo once. Eesh)

Anyway, thanks again and I hope your next Quest is just as much of a nostalgia trip for me.

Hats off to you good Sir.

Thanks for seeing this quest through to the bitter end, Sleepyweasel. Your memories are close to my own, though I&#039m happy to say I never rented Taboo.

SEGA MEGA GENESIS baby…… I hope…

Found this awesome blog a bit late, best believe I will be all over your next expedition from the get-go.

Congrats on a feat that many have attempted, but no one else accomplished. EVERY fucking NES game reviewed with great writing and funny captions? You deserve a toast and this bud is for you. Just don&#039t leave any great Famicom games behind, there are quite a few buried treasures that might miss out on your witty banter.

Just discovered Moai Kun recently, don&#039t miss out on some of these gems. To hell with hacks and unreleased protos, I&#039ll give you a worthwhile list of Famicom games that need your touch…

Adventure Island IV
Fuzzical Fighter
Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffiti
Maoi Kun
Gradius 2
New Ghostbusters 2
Sweet Home
Bio Miracle Upa
Cosmic Epsilon
Crisis Force
Holy Diver

Sorry if you already looked at these. Good luck on your next quest, I have a feeling it will be a system for masters…

You, Mateo, and Matthew have all given me quite a bit to chew on. Thanks for the list, and for the kind words!

Wonderful job. I tagged along around the final quarter of this journey, and was mighty entertained throughout reading these reviews. Looking forward to your next project, and I think publishing a book will be a great idea and a great success.

If it&#039s none of the systems you mentioned I would have to guess the sega genesis or the N64. Both would be great. w

Hi Dylan – Congrats on getting through the list, it&#039s been a great read and the end seemed to come around quicker than I thought (although it probably didn&#039t seem that way to you!). I work in the publishing industry and I&#039d be happy to start a discussion about a book if you&#039d like. I wanted to raise one note, though – permissions. It&#039s absolutely fine to write about all the games, but if we want to have screenshots then you&#039d need to get permission for every one, which can be very painful! Anyway, something to think about, and I&#039d love to discuss it further.

i have some famicom games id like you to reveiw
crisis force
a week of garfield
transformers: convoy no nazo
new ghostbusters 2( much better than the american ones)
space invaders
altered beast
space harrier
dough boy
king kong 2
the goonies
gradius 2
after burner 2
fantasy zone 1 and 2

My favourite game developer is Sunsoft, I&#039d like to make a request for Mr. Gimmick (JP/EU) and Sunman (unreleased prototype), both games that never made it to the NES American library due to finincial problems

I would love to see a list of best simultaneous co-op games or best multi-player games on the NES.

Also, I&#039m indescribably sad that the next quest isn&#039t the SNES, but I eagerly await the announcement.

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