Balloon Trip!

TOP 86 NES GAMES: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

WORST 86 NES GAMES: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

ADDITIONAL REVIEWS: International Cricket, Summer Carnival ’92: ReccaNew Ghostbusters II 

BONUS ROUND: Nuts & Milk, All-Night Nippon Super Mario Bros., Battle City, Super Mario Bros 2 (JP), Devil World, Fester’s Quest Redux

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7 replies on “Balloon Trip!”

Hello, Dylan! That&#039s a cool site, I love reading your reviews from time to time. Could you please consider reviewing Adventure Island IV (Japanese release only)? In my opinion it&#039s a very good game and, believe it or not, it&#039s a little bit different to the previous 3 parts, as it plays a little bit like an adventure game. Check it out and post a witty review, would you kindly? 🙂

Hey Marcin, thanks for checking out the site.

To be honest, I&#039m not sure how much more I&#039ll be updating Questicle. But when I do, I will take care of Adventure Island IV, along with a slew of other games.

By far the best resource in the web for NES reviews. Anyway you can add links where one can look up games by the grade/letter you assign them? I assume most of the As and A-s and maybe B+s made the top games lists, but it would also be sick to be able to find all the Bs and B-s in one spot too. If that&#039s too much work, I hear ya. Just thought it may be easy enough and a great addition to the site. Thanks for all your great work!

Hi Marcus, thanks for the kind comments.

As for doing a list by grade, I have considered that in the past. The site is due for a major overhaul, so hopefully I&#039ll be able to organize the reviews in a cleaner fashion with more options. Stay tuned!

Hi Dylan, love your reviews and view this site as THE definitive source for NES games. I can&#039t wait for the site update you have planned. Please consider doing the next best 86 game run down, 87 through 172! That would be great. I&#039m browsing here a lot these days. Thank you!! -B

Hey thanks! I appreciate the compliments!

Perhaps after the site update, I will do a 50 honorable mentions or something. The update WILL be happening in early 2015.

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