
The Way I Review Games

Suggested reading before you dive into the reviews.
Pretty much me while reviewing games.

When I first started this blog, the two goals I had were as follows:

1) to review every NES game in alphabetical order

2) to write said reviews in whatever manner I felt like

My first few reviews were very haphazard in nature, but as I played more games, my review size increased and I began to write them in typical “reviewer” fashion. I’d give an intro paragraph, summarize the gameplay, the graphics, music, controls, etc, then close out the review. My reviews were always about three to four paragraphs long, which was fine. But as I’ve grown more Internet-savvy, I realize that people have incredibly short attention spans on the Internet. People graze on sites, they don’t linger. As such, I wanted to have a review format that accommodated what I believe to be the majority. So on August 24th, 2011, I posted this statement:

“I’ve also decided to take on a new format to account for decreased attention spans all across the Internet (myself included). Basically, I will only be writing one paragraph per game review, unless the game has been influential or has had a profound effect on me. I would like to call this the “Robert Christgau” or “Leonard Maltin” style. For those not in the know, Robert Christgau is one of the most respected rock critics in the majority of music circles, while Leonard Maltin is a film critic who puts out a best-selling movie guide every year. Both of them write short, paragraph-long blurbs about new albums or movies whenever they come out, and the occasional long piece, should the work dictate such effort. I like their style. I don’t mind writing page-long reviews, but frankly, the majority of NES games aren’t worthy of such dedication. Since this whole reviewing exercise has been a way for me to improve my craft, what better way than to reduce a review to its essence.”

In other words, if you’re looking for in-depth, detailed reviews of old Nintendo games, I might suggest moving along to the GameFAQs Reader Reviews or even You won’t always find what you’re looking for on either of those sites, but you have a greater chance of reading an in-depth review of your favorite game than on my site.

I welcome any and all criticism and I will, more often than not, respond to it. I do not tolerate trolls and I will delete any obnoxiously rude comments. For crying out loud, people, these are NES games. Save your anger for something more important.

Finally, and most importantly, thanks for reading. I’m a critical curmudgeon at times, but I really appreciate the interest and support I’ve gotten.


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7 replies on “The Way I Review Games”

Perfectly fair approach in my opinion. I may not always agree with points or final scores of yours, but it’s like – why troll? It’s all in good fun, and for me I get a lot of nostalgia from your posts so I enjoy it quite a bit. Keep up the good work!

Hey, I’ve been following you for a while now and as a retro gamer, I really like the site. Would you like to exchange site links? I just started out a few weeks ago and am trying to build a following. I’m reviewing old video games, so far I’ve done nothing but NES titles. Take a look and let me know what you think. If you have any advice, I’d love hear it. I need all the help I can get. Thanks.

Greetings! I started a project fairly recently and have gotten alot of positive feedback. Quite a few people directed me to your site and said we were of like mind so I thought I’d check you out and am envious of how dedicated and put together your site is! I can only hope one day I’m on review #350 and to surpass that is no small feat, so I tip my hat to you, sir. You have my utmost respect. I’m new at any blogging of any sort and only a short while ago decided it was time to put thoughts into font-laded words, but if you want to check out my work, I can be found at and hope to hear from you soon. Us retro reviewers have to stick together right?


I just stumbled upon your site today, and I must say, awesome. Ironically, I have also had this quest, grading games on a letter grade scale. I am also just at R. I am, however, not going through the whole review process, just a letter grade and a one sentence write up, if that. I have been doing it off and on though for the last 4 years. It is a tough slog, and I commend you for doing it.

My inspiration was an emulator. I was wondering just how many of the games in the full Nintendo list were worth having. There is a lot of garbage amongst a lot of classics. I was also wondering just how different my memory of the game was from a modern replaying. It’s different.

When you are done, I would love to see the games listed by grade, and then to compare mine to yours.



Hi Neil! Thanks for commenting.

Yeah, as I’ve embarked on this quest, I noticed a fair number of people on the Internet are attempting the same thing. Thankfully, we’re all in this together – or so it would seem.

After I’m done, I’ll have the list of NES Games completely linked to each respective review. However, if you’d like, I can send you an e-mail with each game listed by grade.

Let me know and thanks for reading!

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